Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I've been contemplating resolutions for the new year and have come up with a number of conclusions that I've decided to share publicly. The first, though not necessarily most important, is that I won't share my resolutions verbally to anyone including spouse and family. Perhaps with my AEDP therapist, but that will arise or not in the moment.

Next, is that my list will not be a "to do" list as I don't want to create an expectation or even the possibility for failure as too much of that has already happened. Instead I've created a "to be" list of internal resolutions which have checked out with my inner teacher who has loads of wisdom and sufficient experience for this purpose. Of this, the first is that I will allow myself to be as I am in this moment and be aware of my tendency to argue, debate, cajole, lambaste or deride whatever my mind decides to shift or change. After that, I will show up in each moment as complete and whole even when feeling dreadful, frightened, angry or helpless. Then, I will keep returning to this moment and begin at the beginning which is always possible.

Finally, for now, I will create many conversations without attachment to outcome or reflection on what others might think or feel about me or my sharing. I will enjoy this process along with allowing joy to flow easily and fluidly throughout my being and body.


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